Maine Business Directory
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Categories : 45
Baker Island Bass Harbor Bluehill Bay
Boon Island Browns Head Burnt Island
Cape Elizabeth Cape Neddick Curtis Island
Deer Island / Mark Island Dice Head Doubling Point
Eagle Island Egg Rock Fort Point
Goat Island Goose Rocks Grindle Points
Heron Neck Indian Island Kennebec River Range
Marshall Point Matinicus Rock Monhegan Island
Moose Peak Mt. Desert Rock Owls Head
Pemaquid Point Perkins Island Petit Manan
Pond Island Portland Breakwater Portland Head
Prospect Harbor Ram Island Ram Island Ledge
Rockland Breakwater Rockland Harbor Southwest Seguin Island
Spring Point Ledge Squirrel Point Tenants Harbor
Two Bush Island West Quoddy Whitehead
Goose Rocks Light
Goose Rocks Light was established in 1890 to mark the east entrance to the Fox Islands Therefore, a busy waterway between Vinalhaven and North Haven islands. The structure is a typical caisson type or "sparkplug” style, cast-iron lighthouse of that era, built on a circular foundation filled with concrete. Lubec Channel and Spring Point Ledge lights also are of this type.

The 51-foot tower has three stories inside and originally had a fourth-order Fresnel lens. In 1963 the light was automated, the lens replaced with a 250mm modern optic and subsequently converted to solar power. Although visible distantly from Vinalhaven, the light is best viewed by boat.

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