Damariscotta, Maine - Introduction |
The Damariscotta Region, comprised of many communities, istruly a special experience and one that we hope you will vist- be it for a day, a week, a month or a lifetime. The lure of our lakes, ponds andrivers, rockbound coast and ocean beaches will make your stay an unforgettable one.
However, we aren't just a "summer place." Our business community doesn't fold up and hibernate. Area cultural venues and mostbed and breakfasts and inns are open year round. In fact, winter can be the best of times, offering our visitors a memorable escape.
The Damariscotta Region Chamber of Comerce office is also open for your convenience year round and pleased to be at your service. We have created this guidebook to help facilitate your visit to acquaint yourself even further with all we have to offer. We welcome you to the "heart of Classic Maine.
Damariscotta Area Code is 207
Damariscotta Region Map
Damariscotta, ME - Web Resources
- City of Damariscotta, ME -21 School St, Damariscotta, ME 04543
Telephone: 207-563-5168 Fax: 207-563-6862
- Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce - 15 Courtyard Street, Suite 2, PO Box 13, Damariscotta, Maine 04543
Phone: 207-563-8340 Fax: 207-563-8348
- Skidompha Public Library: The Skidompha Library Association is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization responsible for providing library programs and services to the residents of Damariscotta, Newcastle, Nobleboro and the greater Pemaquid Peninsula.
- P.O. Box 70, 184 Main St., Damariscotta, ME
04543 Telephone: 207-563-5513