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 Business Listings for Blue Hill Peninsula, ME
Categories : 10
Antiques (5) Bed & Breakfasts (3)
Campgrounds (2) Cottages (2)
Eats & Drinks (6) Hotels (8)
Marine Sales (1) Museums (8)
Real Estate Sales (9) Shops (11)
Cities and Towns in Blue Hill
Blue Hill
Blue Hills, Maine - Introduction
Blue Hill is situated on Union River Bay, in the southwestern part of Hancock County. It is 14 miles S. S. W. of Ellsworth, and 36 miles from Bangor, and is on the stage-lines from Bucksport to Sedgewick and from Castine to Ellsworth. Surry bounds it on the north-east, Penobscot on the north-west, Brooksville and Sedgewick on the south-west. On the south-east are the waters of Union River Bay, from which Blue Hill Bay pushes up into the town. The name, Blue Hill, comes from a commanding elevation of land near the centre of the town. The ascent begins at the shore of the bay, continuing in a gradual ascent for about a mile, and thence is quite abrupt to the huge mass of rock which forms the top. The height above high water is 950 feet, so that the hill affords extended and charming views on every side. It was formerly covered with trees principally evergreens which, at a distance, gave a very dark blue tint, whence its name. The soil of Blue Hill is clay loam and gravel. The principal rock is granite. There are also extensive deposits of manganese and limestone. Other minerals found in town are fluor spar, iron ore, copper ore, gold, lead ore in a form of galena, wolfram, the ore of tin, hydrate of silica, used in the making of fire-proff brick, phosphate of lime, etc. The town has an excellent quality of granite, of which at some times large quantity have been quarried. In 1876, these quarries afforded employment for 30 yoke of oxen and 300 laborers. East River Bridge, at New York, was constructed of Blue Hill granite. At the Present time there are also 22 mining and smelting companies owning territory in the town.

Blue Hill Area Code is 207

Blue Hill Region Map
Blue Hill Map
Blue Hill, ME - Web Resources
  • Town of Blue Hill, ME - P.O. Box 412, Blue Hill, ME 04614
    Telephone: 207-374-2281 Fax: 207-374-9935
  • Blue Hill Public Library: The Blue Hill Library serves all the people of Blue Hill Peninsula: children, adults, people of all backgrounds and circumstances who seek information and the pleasure that comes from the life of the mind.
    - Parker Point Road, Blue Hill, Maine 04614
    Phone: 207-374-5515 Fax: 207-374-5254
  • Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce: The mission of the Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce is to promote the interests of your business community and to encourage economic development while protecting natural and cultural resources and sustaining the character of the peninsula. - 107 Main Street, PO Box 520, Blue Hill, ME 04614
    Telephone: 207-374-3242
  • Blue Hill Memorial Hospital - Water Street, PO Box 823, Blue Hill, Maine 04614
    Telephone: 207-374-3400

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